Please read the following carefully before requesting a refund:

We strongly believe in our service and support it unconditionally, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone, all the time.

Before taking out a subscription, we advise you to request a free 24-hour trial, we have set up this option so that you can test our service, before taking out a long-term subscription.

Reimbursable cases:

– Full refunds are applicable within the first 30 days of use and only for subscriptions of 6 months and more.

– Full refund is applicable only for subscriptions of 6 months or more, you can still get a 24-hour free trial before upgrading to a long-term subscription.

– If you have been subscribed for more than a month and you have problems or are not satisfied with our service after the first 30 days, we can refund the remaining period of your subscription.

– If you have chosen a subscription by mistake instead of the desired one, you can also contact us to proceed with the refund after the evaluation of the case.

Non-refundable cases:

– The refund will be refused if it comes from a malfunction on your part (A bad connection, a defective device and others).

– The refund is not valid for one (1) month subscriptions.

Our team is always at your disposal if you encounter complications in the configuration of the service on your device or for any other technical problems, you can also consult our installation guides.

For any refund request, please contact us by email: or on our contact page
